Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

4 August 2006 @ 9am

A Fresh Start

I’m start­ing this blog­ging thing anew. I’m now on a Word­Press-based blog, and I’m in the process of import­ing old posts from Blog­ger and Live­Jour­nal, most­ly to have them all backed up.

When they’ve been archived, I’ll update with links.

[Update, 10:04 PM] Live­Jour­nal and Blog­ger archive is now up and run­ning. Note: Blog­ger’s com­ments came over, while Live­Jour­nal’s did not (you’re not miss­ing much).

[Update, 11:20 PM] The archive has been locked (SQL state­ments are good at doing what a web inter­face can’t pro­vide, name­ly, lock­ing of 900 entries). Sor­ry, I don’t feel com­fort­able hav­ing Live­Jour­nal friend-only or pri­vate posts sud­den­ly open.