Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

15 August 2007 @ 8pm

The First Days

Today’s been the third con­sec­u­tive day of “work” with the Get Con­nect­ed Team at Tech. Mon­day and Tues­day con­sist­ed of some­what mean­ing­less train­ing, and today was most­ly sit­ting around, surf­ing the web or chat­ting with RAs from a dorm.

After a sum­mer of work­ing hard at Pro­tiv­i­ti, it feels good to relax a bit. The four days pri­or to get­ting back to school were tough: I had to pack my entire room into my small car (Inte­gra coupes don’t make good mov­ing vans), pack for Chica­go, attend an excel­lent, if not a tad expen­sive, con­fer­ence, fly back to DC at mid­night, and dri­ve down to school just five hours later.

Tomor­row promis­es to be much more busy. Most of the fresh­men who moved in today will be set­ting up their com­put­ers, and with that will come a host of prob­lems, rang­ing from spy­ware and virus­es to poor­ly con­fig­ured appli­ca­tion installers.