Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

24 July 2008 @ 10pm

The First Day

A month ago yes­ter­day, I began my first post-col­lege job: work­ing for Apple. I’ll bor­row a page from a sim­i­lar post on Antipode and say sim­ply this:

Quite obvi­ous­ly, noth­ing I say here is speak­ing on behalf of the com­pa­ny: trust me, they can come up with much more inter­est­ing ways to announce things than through my cor­ner of the inter­net. I don’t plan on shar­ing any job par­tic­u­lars in any way. I’m still quite active on Twit­ter, and blog posts about CPU His­to­ry and oth­er top­ics are forthcoming.