Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

16 November 2007 @ 11am

Panic Sans: A Monospaced Font

No thanks to @duncan, @gruber, and oth­er Twit­ter mis­cre­ants, I’ve spent the last 15 min­utes play­ing with Pan­ic Sans, a mod­i­fied ver­sion of DejaVu Sans, as a replace­ment to my Incon­so­la­ta.

Pan­ic Sans fix­es the under­scores and hyphens of DejaVu Sans. I’m going to try it for a day or two and see what I think. It’s avail­able if you tear open the .app pack­age of Coda, their web design application.

Update: this post nev­er real­ly made it up when I first start­ed using Pan­ic Sans. For the most part, I’m a fan of it, though there is one part that’s hold­ing me back from using Tin­ker­Tool to replace the sys­tem mono­spaced font with it: the line-spac­ing on Pan­ic Sans is too small, so lines with descen­ders (like g or p) get over­lapped with the ascen­ders of the fol­low­ing line, cut­ting them off. I had to adjust the ver­ti­cal spac­ing set­ting in Ter­mi­nal to make it work properly.