Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

18 June 2008 @ 11am


Edit: I post­ed this three days ago, but Google Maps URLs did­n’t coop­er­ate, so here it is, bet­ter late than nev­er. Apolo­gies for the tech­ni­cal difficulties.

We land­ed ear­li­er today in Los Altos. I’ll be in a room in a four bed­room house here for about two weeks, doing a short com­mute to Apple start­ing on Mon­day, June 23. Then, it’s relo­ca­tion to a room in a six-bed­room house in Wood­side, fur­ther up I‑280 from Apple. I’ve got that room from July 1st to mid-September.

Today was spent on The World’s Windi­est Road, Rt. 1. Here’s the route on Rt. 1 and 128, but here’s a detail of Rt. 1 at the begin­ning. We had to stop twice for dri­ver and pas­sen­ger nausea.

We drove across the Gold­en Gate Bridge this after­noon as we head­ed towards Los Altos. Tomor­row morn­ing, we head back north towards Wine Coun­try. Mon­day will be spent trip­ping around San Fran, and Tues­day we have a tour of Alca­traz ear­ly in the morn­ing, like­ly fol­lowed by anoth­er day in the city. Eric flies out of Oak­land Inter­na­tion­al on Wednes­day morn­ing, and I have a few days before start­ing work.

5600 miles from DC to San Fran­cis­co: cer­tain­ly a more scenic route than usual.