Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

19 February 2009 @ 5pm

Hitmen and Smash Hits

My Tum­blr post ear­li­er today remind­ed me of some­thing John Gru­ber dis­cussed a cou­ple of years ago:

The iPod Mini was a smash hit product.

And when Apple debuted the Nano, they killed it.

There was no hes­i­ta­tion, no reluc­tance. The Nano came out, and the Mini was dead. The man­u­fac­tur­ing lines were stopped, it was pulled from the shelves, and it was purged from the website.

Apple stood up and said, “Yes, the Mini was won­der­ful. But now, it’s not even worth dis­cussing its exis­tence: here is some­thing bet­ter. Trust us, you’ll like it.”