Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

13 May 2009 @ 7am

Filtering Twitter, Pt 2

(This was still an ear­ly draft until last night, so I’ll be mas­sag­ing these sen­tences as the day goes on.)

Gen­er­al rule-based tweet fil­ter­ing, and per-user @reply set­tings have one goal in com­mon: give the user more con­trol over the con­tent they view when they launch a client or go to their Twit­ter homepage.

For what­ev­er rea­son, there’s one answer so often giv­en when some­one cries about con­tent over­load or irrel­e­vance: “Don’t like their posts? Unfol­low them!”

No. I said I want­ed to avoid the noise, not lose the sig­nal entire­ly. Wrong answer, try again.

There are a lot of pro­cess­ing steps between a user push­ing “Post” and that post land­ing in some­one else’s stream. I want a place to cull the noise so the stream con­sists of good, clean sig­nal. I want to increase the S/N ratio with­out drop­ping inter­est­ing peo­ple wholesale.

The under­ly­ing ques­tion and dis­cus­sion is not new, but Twit­ter will like­ly be the first ser­vice where we make head­way find­ing a solu­tion. How do you nav­i­gate, and not be over­whelmed by, a new way of con­nect­ing with hun­dreds or thou­sands of oth­er peo­ple, each of whom are pro­duc­ing unique and inter­est­ing con­tent, not all of which is nec­es­sar­i­ly always rel­e­vant to your interests?


Posted by
Mark Fox
18 June 2009 @ 9pm

Exact­ly. Per­haps one is inter­est­ed in occa­sion­al posts from par­tic­u­lar users. This whole idea that every tweet is part of an march of chrono­log­i­cal infor­ma­tion was ini­tial­ly very off putting. It was­n’t until some more advanced tools came along to allow groups that even could get into Twit­ter. But groups still leave some­thing lack­ing… com­pete, rule based, fil­ter­ing mech­a­nism (along the lines of iTunes smart playlists) are what I’m inter­est­ed in.

Posted by
Mark Fox
18 June 2009 @ 9pm

Sor­ry, that mid­dle sen­tence can be bet­ter wrote: “It wasn’t until I found Tweet­Deck and it’s group­ing mech­a­nism that I decid­ed to take the plunge into the world of Twitter.”

Posted by
5 October 2009 @ 2pm

<p>Exactly. Per­haps one is inter­est­ed in occa­sion­al posts from par­tic­u­lar users. This whole idea that every tweet is part of an march of chrono­log­i­cal infor­ma­tion was ini­tial­ly very off putting. It was­n’t until some more advanced tools came along to allow groups that even could get into Twit­ter. But groups still leave some­thing lack­ing… com­pete, rule based, fil­ter­ing mech­a­nism (along the lines of iTunes smart playlists) are what I’m inter­est­ed in.</p>