Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

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Accounting and Beauty

Words spo­ken by a CS major (and that would nev­er be heard from a busi­ness stu­dent): William: dou­ble entry account­ing I just got it and it’s beautiful

Why Twitter beats a blog

I use Twit­ter a lot, post­ing dai­ly more sta­tus updates than I can count (and I’d rather now know, I’m quite sure it’s too many). I find myself squeez­ing things into a 140 char­ac­ter text field that would work real­ly well as a blog entry, but it takes too much work, too many steps, to […]

Bug Hunting

The three stages of bug hunt­ing (via ~stevenf) It can nev­er hap­pen! Strange, it hap­pens… How can it even have worked before? more eas­i­ly under­stood as: denial, accep­tance, and amaze­ment. Many bugs I’ve encoun­tered and fixed in my young Com­put­er Sci­ence days went through these steps. While denial is use­ful for ego infla­tiong, I quickly […]

Piracy and Development

From ArsTech­ni­ca: Infi­nite Loop: Inter­view: Wil Ship­ley of Deli­cious Mon­ster: …Pira­cy: who cares if some­one steals your appli­ca­tion if they were nev­er going to buy it in the first place? Cabel spoke briefly about pira­cy at C4[1]. Pan­ic has long black­list­ed pirat­ed ser­i­al num­bers in updates to Audion, Trans­mit, and the like. But for the first […]

The Final Semesters

With 39 cred­its stand­ing between myself and a diplo­ma in May, I’ve got more than a few cours­es to take each semes­ter. Tak­ing 21 hours this fall is going to be some­thing I’ve nev­er done before, both with respect to man­ag­ing that many hours of lec­tures each week, and han­dling the large amount of homework […]

The First Days

Today’s been the third con­sec­u­tive day of “work” with the Get Con­nect­ed Team at Tech. Mon­day and Tues­day con­sist­ed of some­what mean­ing­less train­ing, and today was most­ly sit­ting around, surf­ing the web or chat­ting with RAs from a dorm. After a sum­mer of work­ing hard at Pro­tiv­i­ti, it feels good to relax a bit. The four […]

C4[1] Wrap

Today marked the end of the C4[1] con­fer­ence in down­town Chica­go. The talks giv­en Fri­day night, Sat­ur­day, and Sun­day ranged from the hilar­i­ous, with Wil Ship­ley’s talk on hype and prod­uct releas­es, to the sur­pris­ing, with the announce­ment of Nu, a Lisp imple­men­ta­tion for Obj‑C, to the impres­sive, with an Iron Coder Live hack for […]

Applying Economics: Gas Prices

Words can­not express my dis­may at the recent Wash­ing­ton Post-ABC News poll results: I had hoped to write a blog post about gas prices and the lack of changes to the nation’s con­sump­tion habits. I had men­tal­ly penned para­graphs about price inelas­tic­i­ty, “men­tal account­ing”, and oth­er eco­nom­ic and behav­iour­al psy­chol­o­gy top­ics. Bollocks.

A Status Update…

So where have I been? The past semes­ter, with rug­by, mono, a new job, and a tragedy on cam­pus, has been a busy one. It’s no excuse for the dearth of words here, but it makes me feel bet­ter to write down all the major events that took up so much of my time, to […]

My Ears, Plugged Into a Fire Hydrant

(How do you like them mixed metaphors?) South by South­west (SxSW) just released the 2007 bands tor­rent, a Bit­Tor­rent file with 739 MP3s from some of the artists per­form­ing at SxSW. I run into large influx­es of music, such as this one, quite often. I also just tor­rent­ed the 2005 and 2006 SxSW tor­rents. I’m staring […]

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