Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

Posts Tagged Uncategorized

Hitmen and Smash Hits

My Tum­blr post ear­li­er today remind­ed me of some­thing John Gru­ber dis­cussed a cou­ple of years ago: The iPod Mini was a smash hit prod­uct. And when Apple debuted the Nano, they killed it. There was no hes­i­ta­tion, no reluc­tance. The Nano came out, and the Mini was dead. The man­u­fac­tur­ing lines were stopped, it […]

Google Gears and Webkit Nightlies

I’ve been using Google Gears with Safari the past few weeks, pri­mar­i­ly for Word­Press 2.7’s “Tur­bo Mode” (use­ful on low-band­width or high-laten­­cy links), and sec­on­dar­i­ly for Gmail’s offline mode. The cur­rent­ly released build ( of Google Gears isn’t com­pat­i­ble with the lat­est Webkit nightlies, how­ev­er. Good news, though: it’s a piece of cake to build […]

G1 vs. iPhone: All in the Design

I’ve post­ed a cou­ple of times to Tum­blr about the G1. I used a friend’s G1 for about a half hour a few weeks back: it was my first non-iPhone cell phone use since I got my 3G in June. Over Christ­mas, I also used my broth­er’s LG Dare, and I sud­den­ly real­ized how spoiled the […]

Cheep Cheep!

Chyrp: a light­weight blog­ging engine.. Chyrp: my per­son­al blog. I’ll be leav­ing the longer, more thought out, well-writ­ten con­tent for this Word­­Press-backed blog. Per­son­al writ­ing of pub­lic inter­est will appear on chyrp. Update your feeds, book­mark the page, your new TV Guide will appear in next Sun­day’s paper, etc…

Hacking iScrobbler for multiple iPods

I’ve been on since 2004. I love music, and I love sta­tis­tics and data analy­sis, so when the site launched and I saw what they had planned, I imme­di­ate­ly set up an account. I’ve long used iScrob­bler for a Mac client to sub­mit plays to it’s light­weight, sup­ports run­ning in a menu bar-only […]

Property Rights

As I read The Econ­o­mist’s arti­cles on devel­op­ing nations, whether it be in Asia, Africa, or Europe, a com­mon thread jumps out at me: Prop­er­ty rights are the key to eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment. Peo­ple want to own their prop­er­ty, and not have to wor­ry about how to keep it or who’s going to take it. Prop­er­ty rights, in […]

Addendum: Logitech Control Center software

So, I tried the Log­itech soft­ware. I real­ly gave it a shot, I swear. It did well for the most part: it did­n’t brick my machine at boot, or break any apps that I could tell in the few hours it was installed. But there were some glar­ing bugs. First, what’s the most typ­i­cal thing to […]

Attack of the Mice!

I just went out and bought a Microsoft Blue­tooth some­thing some­thing 5000, and a Log­itech MX Rev­o­lu­tion. I’ve grown tired of this old Log­itech two but­tons plus scroll wheel, cord­ed opti­cal mouse, and want­ed to retire it. The first reac­tion when I talk about mice, espe­cial­ly with Mac own­ers, is “Why not Mighty Mouse?” There’s […]


An aside: some of my writ­ing is going into Tum­blr instead of here: things that are too long for Twit­ter, but don’t seem to war­rant a full blog post. The Tum­blr feed includes my blog feed, so sub­scribe to that instead if you want to read both.

iPhone Apps: TwitterFon

At Tues­day’s NSCoder SF (an icon for which I have a good, but clichéd, idea for), I met @thekarladam, who showed me a few new Twit­ter iPhone appli­ca­tions. I’ll focus on Twit­ter­Fon, since I down­loaded it last night and played with it a bit. Bear in mind, I’ve been a Twit­ter­rif­ic user since The Ear­ly Days […]

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