Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

16 December 2006 @ 1am

All Ahead Full

Every year, the fall semes­ter does this. It drags on, and flies by. From August to Novem­ber, it nev­er ends. Tests after quizzes after home­work pile on, and there’s no end in sight. We get a brief reprieve from the stress for Thanks­giv­ing. It’s a wel­come week of rest, food, and relax­ation in an oth­er­wise high-strung semes­ter. But when we return from break, finals are sud­den­ly upon us. A week and a half of class­es give way to exams, and we find our­selves one semes­ter clos­er to grad­u­a­tion, with no idea where the time went.

This sum­mer is my last “sum­mer job”. There are no more sum­mer semes­ters after that: just grad­u­a­tion, and a life­time of work. No more eight week intern­ships, no more fam­i­ly vaca­tions with sum­mer read­ing for class­es. No more order­ing text­books in the final days, or drop­ping and adding cours­es at a library some­where far from home. After this, the world becomes ours. We can do any­thing we want: any­thing, except go back to what we had.

There’s three semes­ters left in col­lege. Sure, I’ll go back for my MBA, but those will be dif­fer­ent times, with dif­fer­ent peo­ple. What will we make of the time we’ve got left?