Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

15 September 2006 @ 9am

Doctors and Ears

I had an ear infec­tion back in Decem­ber, around New Year’s. It hurt, but I did­n’t ever see any­one about it (not many places are open on Dec. 31st). A few weeks lat­er, I had some issues with pres­sure in that ear.

Long sto­ry short, three doc­tors, five vis­its, one ear clean­ing, one hear­ing test, two pres­sure tests, and four pre­scrip­tions lat­er, I’m get­ting a head CT scan lat­er today to find out what’s going on.

Most reass­sur­ing words a doc­tor can speak?

“Well, if it were a head tumor, it would be so advanced at 8 months that you’d have oth­er symptoms.”

That’s just won­der­ful.