Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

21 September 2006 @ 9pm


I’ve fall­en off the blog wag­on. Job fairs have tak­en a lot of my free time lately.

This blog (and the pho­to­blog) occu­py a weird space in my brain: they only get posts when I’m:

  1. Inspired
  2. Have a few free minutes
  3. Am at a computer

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, job fairs have eat­en #2, while gen­er­al busi­ness has killed #1. I’ll have more this week­end, I think.

I should try and set up a rou­tine for writ­ing posts. Just write one a day, and then post every oth­er (fig­ur­ing half the things I write are trash, that equa­tion works out well).

Want a true idea of how bad this week has been? I haven’t worked out since Mon­day morn­ing. And I had­n’t missed a day in over three weeks.