Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

17 November 2006 @ 2pm

Trips and Homes

I love trav­el­ling. There’s some­thing exhil­a­rat­ing about pick­ing up the few things you’ve col­lect­ed that are impor­tant to you, and tem­porar­i­ly mov­ing some­where else. The uncer­tain­ty and unfa­mil­iar­i­ty is stress­ful for some, but I thrive on it. Going home for breaks, trav­el for jobs, day trips into DC with no plan, no map, and 20 bucks in my pock­et: those are the kinds of things I live for.

Right there…see? Sort of a swoop and a cross, Osid­ius the Emphatic.

Home for breaks. That’s a bit of a mis­state­ment. Where is home when you’re a junior in col­lege? I’ve spent 14 of the last 15 months liv­ing in Blacks­burg near­ly con­tin­u­ous­ly, because of my sum­mer job in the area. Is home here, in Blacks­burg? This is my sec­ond apart­ment in a year; I’ve got paint­ings, posters, draw­ings, and my pho­tos hung on the walls. I’ve got a stove­top with my apron hung next to it. I know the neigh­bors, and can nav­i­gate my way through the liv­ing room in the dark with­out stub­bing any toes or injur­ing any shins.

Sure, I’ve got­ten to know this place well, but does that make it home?

What decides where home is? Friends? Fam­i­ly? Wall dec­o­ra­tions and plants to water? For stu­dents, would you say home is where you spend the hol­i­days with your fam­i­ly? Is home where you spend the most time sleeping?

I’d say, right now, home is here at Tech. This sum­mer, it’ll be in NoVA (sor­ry guys, I’ve been away for a year and a half, it’s short­er to pro­nounce than “North­ern Vir­ginia”). Next fall and spring, it’ll be back to Tech, and from there, it’s wher­ev­er a post-grad­u­a­tion job takes me.

Where’s your home? What makes it home for you?