Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

29 May 2008 @ 11pm

The First Trip Update

It’s the end of day three.

We spent Tues­day trav­el­ing to Chica­go (a 680 mile haul), and all day Wednes­day tag­ging around the city and watch­ing the Cubs win against the LA Dodgers.

Today was spent trav­el­ing to Oma­ha (480 miles) to stay with a friend of Eric’s. Tomor­row morn­ing, we go north to South Dako­ta, vis­it­ing and camp­ing at the Bad­lands (low tomor­row night: 50° and breezy). Fri­day is spent at the Bad­lands, Mount Rush­more, then south to stay the night in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Pho­tos will be processed on the road tomor­row, and a large Flickr upload will hope­ful­ly hap­pen some­time this week­end when we sur­face again on some­one’s wire­less. Best bet for updates between now and then is Twit­ter and Flickr mobile uploads. Cheers.