Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

2 June 2008 @ 6am

Another On-The-Road Update

We’ve now trav­eled over 2500 miles. I haven’t totaled gas receipts, but Eric and I are esti­mat­ing over 350 dol­lars so far. Thank god for large cred­it lines with Amer­i­can Express.

Since the last post, we’ve tra­versed three more states. The morn­ing of the 27th, we head­ed north from Oma­ha, through Iowa and into South Dako­ta. We spent the night camped out at the Bad­lands. After wak­ing ear­ly for sun­rise pic­tures (forth­com­ing), we vis­it­ed the Min­ute­man site off I‑90, swung through the ring road back through the Bad­lands, and head­ed west. A trip to Mount Rush­more was punc­tu­at­ed with storms on the way, but as we approached the moun­tain, the skies cleared. The dri­ve through the Black Hills was quite pret­ty, and I took sev­er­al pho­tos out the sun­roof of the car.

After arriv­ing in Cheyenne for the night and sleep­ing there, we spent yes­ter­day on the road, stop­ping often for pho­tos and gas. We made a quick vis­it to Radio Shack and an Acu­ra deal­er in Den­ver to work around a burned-out cig­a­rette lighter that hap­pened on day one. The rest of the day was spent trekking across Col­orado, over some rather large moun­tains, and then off I‑70 to take a back­roads trip to my aunt and cous­in’s house near Telluride.