Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

11 August 2008 @ 11pm

Mondays, Tired Mondays

A Retro Blockbuster Storefront

As seen in Wood­side, CA on my way home from Safe­way one evening. (crop­ping idea and blog post for­mat shame­less­ly bor­rowed from Chris Glass)

The last few days have seen me search­ing for a new place to live. I came out to Cal­i­for­nia with a two-step hous­ing dance in mind. First, find a sub­let for a cou­ple of months, since they’re eas­i­er to find from afar, and less like­ly to burn you long-term if they turn out poor­ly. Then, find a longer-term place to live, some­where I’ve explored and like, since that’s some­thing you need to do in person.

I missed my thrice-week­ly run­ning sched­ule this morn­ing. Between a half-restored iPhone, and stay­ing up late the night pri­or send­ing emails, I did­n’t make it out of bed until it was too late. Per­haps tomor­row I’ll make it out the door.

Rac­quet­ball last Thurs­day destroyed me: I have knees and elbows that are bruised from los­ing bat­tles with walls. it’s the first time back at it since a cou­ple of games this spring. I had a blast, so I’m hop­ing to sched­ule it as a week­ly self-harm sports session.