Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

7 November 2008 @ 11am

Cinematography and Michael Clayton

The cin­e­matog­ra­phy of this movie so far is excel­lent: great shots, light­ing, et cetera.

One thing, though, is dri­ving me to drink: most scenes were shot with an anamor­phic lens, which, between the lens and lat­er con­ver­sion process­es, leads to an oval-shaped bokeh for out of focus light sources. I found this out on a forum post dis­cussing the cin­e­matog­ra­phy of the movie.

Michael Clayton.avi

Michael Clayton.avi

After grow­ing used to round, or even geo­met­ri­cal­ly-shaped bokeh (straight-blad­ed shut­ters like some cam­era lens­es mean hexag­o­nal or hep­tag­o­nal aper­ture shapes), this is dri­ving me a bit mad.

How­ev­er, it does look neat with close­ly grouped light sources, because they all blend togeth­er and give a great back­ground light texture:

Michael Clayton.avi

1 Comment

Posted by
Steven Fisher
7 November 2008 @ 11am

The sto­ry of Michael Clay­ton com­plete­ly failed to grab my atten­tion on any lev­el. Weird. The only oth­er movie in recent lev­el to do the same was War Inc, and at least that had a great scene of Joan Cusack com­plete­ly los­ing it. (Always entertaining!)