Filtering Twitter, Pt 1
Twitter needs filters.
- “Show me all posts from @cbarrett, except when he replies to @zacwhite.”
- “Drop all posts where @commanda says ‘RT’ “.
- “Ugh, South By. Don’t show me anything that contains ‘SxSW’ or #sxsw.”
- “Drop everything from @patr1ck, but make it look like I’m still following him.”
(ok, maybe not that last one).
It started with @replies. Instead of changing them across the board, I want to change them for each user I follow. You know the setting: “Show me @replies to the people I’m following” versus “Show me all @replies”.
The first setting is akin to standing next to both people at a party: you know both of them, and you get to listen in. The latter is like sitting next to someone on the phone: it might be an interesting conversation, but sometimes it’s just noise.
Most users don’t reply or tweet much; they’re people you have things in common with, but they’re not hyper-active on Twitter. Whey they do reply to someone, it’s probably going to be something you find interesting (and, if in_reply_to_id is set for each tweet, you can view the whole conversation)
For the high-volume or high-follower-count users (@gruber, @clint), their replies are less relevant: they have many more followers, and most have little to nothing in common with you. Replies from them are more phone conversation, less party conversation.
Once you’ve allowed per-user reply settings, filters based on tweet text is a great extension. I want to blacklist RTs, certain hashtags, and other dumb memes. More on that tomorrow.
Part Two: Why is this Twitter’s problem to solve? I’ll have that draft finished tomorrow. Here, have an RSS.
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