Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

Posts Tagged Essays

On Security, Terrorism, and Risk

I’m tak­ing a post by Bruce Schneier and run­ning with it. None of the secu­ri­ty pre­cau­tions in place in air­ports have pre­vent­ed or thwart­ed a sin­gle ter­ror­ist attack since 9/11. Richard Reid, the “shoe bomber”, got through secu­ri­ty, and was only tak­en down by strong-willed pas­sen­gers and doc­tors with seda­tion med­i­cine. The “secu­ri­ty” put into place […]

The Wisdom of Crowds: Wikipedia, Vandalism, and Free Information

Wikipedia has a sin­gle, over­ar­ch­ing goal: to cre­ate a free ency­clo­pe­dia. Wikipedia depends on vol­un­teer con­tri­bu­tions of knowl­edge for its con­tent. To make this easy for any­one to do, Wikipedia is very accept­ing of new mate­r­i­al: com­plete strangers, such as myself, can log onto Wikipedia at any time, from any inter­net con­nec­tion in the world, […]