Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

Posts Tagged Uncategorized

New MacBook Pros: antiCAPSLOCK

Jonathan Rentzsch showed us the anti-caps lock bias of the new Apple alu­minum key­boards. With the arrival of my new Mac­Book Pro today, I’ve observed the same bias with the built-in key­board: the caps lock keys have to be pressed and held down to turn on caps lock, but will turn off caps lock with […]

CPU History — An Activity Monitor Replacement

Today marks the release of my first appli­ca­tion for Mac OS X: CPU His­to­ry. CPU His­to­ry is a 10.5‑compatible shame­less ripoff of Apple’s orig­i­nal CPU Mon­i­tor, which I used in 10.2 to 10.4, but stopped work­ing in 10.5. CPU His­to­ry is designed to do one thing, and do it well: graph your CPU usage history. […]

A Dissection of Roxio Toast 8’s Disc Spanning

Toast 8, a CD/DVD burn­ing util­i­ty for the Mac, intro­duced a new fea­ture: when you add files to a data CD above what a sin­gle disc can hold, it offers to burn them onto sep­a­rate discs. When I went to back up (and remove from my hard dri­ve) about 40 GB of ripped DVDs, this […]

A Technology Saying for the Technophobe

Inspired by warped­vi­sions: “It’s all geek to me.” (Dear read­er: I’m sor­ry. It’s finals, and I’m scrap­ing the bar­rel for some­thing to post here. I swear, I’ll make it up to you after this is all done.)

Today’s Stupid Thing

We have our PHP error log­ging turned back to E_ERROR | E_PARSE_ERROR. Why, you ask, if it’s in the log, and it’s good to know what’s going on? Why, because if we turn on E_ALL, the log­file grows very fast (!) and the serv­er goes down when it’s over 2 GB. *shakes head* WHAT?!? That’s the […]

What “Why Spatiality is Nonsense” Missed

Rixstep just pub­lished an arti­cle about why spa­tial file nav­i­ga­tion does­n’t work in today’s file sys­tems: there’s just too many files. And if you assume you’re try­ing to assign a unique loca­tion on screen to each fold­er, you’re absolute­ly right: you’d have to be insane. But nav­i­gat­ing in (for the moment, we’ll use the OS […]

Panic Sans: A Monospaced Font

No thanks to @duncan, @gruber, and oth­er Twit­ter mis­cre­ants, I’ve spent the last 15 min­utes play­ing with Pan­ic Sans, a mod­i­fied ver­sion of DejaVu Sans, as a replace­ment to my Incon­so­la­ta. Pan­ic Sans fix­es the under­scores and hyphens of DejaVu Sans. I’m going to try it for a day or two and see what I […]

Technology and Content

A tech­nol­o­gy gen­er­al­iza­tion, stem­ming from a Bri­jit arti­cle sum­ma­ry I just read. To be use­ful and suc­cess­ful, tech­nol­o­gy has to have access to con­tent. Tech­nol­o­gy with­out con­tent is use­less: what’s an iPod with­out MP3s? A DVD play­er with no discs? A Wii with no games? This is espe­cial­ly impor­tant to new and emerg­ing tech­nol­o­gy: with­out content […]

Let This Serve As A Lesson…

I’ve just spent the past two hours today, and two hours on Wednes­day, hunt­ing down a bug that popped up when we migrat­ed PEAR data­base objects from DB to MDB2. Turns out, two sin­gle quote marks: ’ ’ in a select clause is com­plete­ly fine with DB, but MDB2 won’t even parse an SQL statement […]

Google Announces OpenSearch Alliance: Helping Search Also-Rans

Fake Steve on Google’s OpenSo­cial project and hand­set alliance: Com­pa­nies don’t form alliances and con­sor­tia when they’re win­ning. …When­ev­er you see com­pa­nies start talk­ing about being “open,” it means they’re get­ting their ass kicked. You think Google will be form­ing an OpenSearch alliance any time soon, to help also-rans in search get a share of […]

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