Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

Posts Tagged Uncategorized

Body Hacks

I received my first aller­gy shot on Fri­day while vis­it­ing home for the week­end. I feel like it’s my first body hack. I’m hav­ing aller­gens inject­ed into my body in hopes of ton­ing down my body’s immune sys­tem reac­tion to them. It’s trick­ing my body into doing some­thing the way I’d like, rather than the […]


I took four midterms today: one in sta­tis­tics (exper­i­men­tal design), two in eco­nom­ics (game the­o­ry and indus­try struc­ture), and one on data­bas­es. Even finals week won’t ever get this bad: we’re allowed to move a final if we have more than two in a 24 hour peri­od (and with 21 cred­its, you’d bet­ter believe I’ve […]

A Typographic Moment

Over the past few weeks, I’ve start­ed down the slip­pery slope of learn­ing more about typog­ra­phy. I’ve sub­scribed to the RSS feed for ILoveTy­pog­ra­phy, and I’ve final­ly got­ten my hands on The Ele­ments of Typo­graph­ic Style, by Robert Bringhurst. Today, I had my first typo­graph­ic moment. A night­mare, some may con­sid­er it. I’m sit­ting in a […]

Wimping Out

I feel like I’ve let myself down, not dress­ing out for rug­by prac­tice this week. My inner workout/running addict wants to push myself, wants to run laps and do drills and just have a good time. But my prac­ti­cal, self-pre­serv­ing side knows that anoth­er week of Advil to play, and limp­ing the rest of the day […]

Rugby and Work

Rea­sons 18 through 20 why rug­by and work don’t go togeth­er: It’s hard to sit still in a chair when your body aches in ways it’s nev­er hurt before. Abrad­ed ears make it hard to wear canal­phones with cords loop­ing over the ears. Torn elbows make chair arms painful to use.

Regular Expressions, and Nails

Every time I learn a new thing about reg­u­lar expres­sions, I find myself using it as a solu­tion to every reg­u­lar expres­sion match­ing prob­lem I find (see “When all you have is a ham­mer, every­thing looks like a nail”). I just learned looka­head and back­ref­er­ences, and now, for exam­ple I had this great para­graph about how […]

The US Postal Service: We Don’t “Do” Numbers

My Shure E2c head­phones came yes­ter­day from Ama­zon, trav­el­ing from North Car­oli­na to Blacks­burg, VA via USPS. Ama­zon shipped them out of their ware­house on Mon­day, Oct 1, and said that they’d arrive some­time this week. The USPS web­site, how­ev­er, had some­thing else in mind: their track­ing data showed receiv­ing them on Octo­ber 1st, but […]

Stupid Developers Make Life Suck

Note to OS X installer devel­op­ers: if you change per­mis­sions on any sub­fold­er of /System, break­ing print­ing, Spot­light search­ing, and track­pad dri­vers, I will kneecap you. I have a Net­gear MA111 USB Prism-based 802.11b wire­less adapter. I bought it for test­ing KisMAC and fool­ing around with wire­less pro­to­cols. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Net­gear does­n’t make dri­vers for OS […]

Bad Hardware and Good Customer Service

In the fall of 2003, I made my first com­put­er pur­chase, buy­ing a used iBook G3 from eBay. No soon­er had I bought the Apple­Care extend­ed war­ran­ty (with a stu­dent dis­count, thank­ful­ly, mak­ing it afford­able for a high school stu­dent) than the back­light cut out when I opened the screen. I took it in for […]

Hacking the OS: Kernel Extensions and Software Updates

Hack­ing the OS: Ker­nel Exten­sions and Soft­ware Updates My iBook G4 can’t be con­sid­ered a com­put­ing beast by any stretch of the imag­i­na­tion. The inter­nal dri­ve was a measly 30 GB when I received it from Apple in the spring of 2005. As a workaround, I quick­ly migrat­ed to exter­nal dri­ves for stor­ing data: starting […]

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