Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

29 November 2006 @ 7pm

An Old Habit, Reborn

“It’s a bar­bar­ian’s game, played by gen­tle­men.” I went out to a rug­by prac­tice today. The VT team is putting togeth­er a win­ter 7s squad for a few tour­na­ments over break. It felt great to get back out onto the pitch and take a few hits.

It’s incred­i­ble how quick­ly the rules, the tech­nique, all of the things I learned over five years ago, came back to me. Phys­i­cal­ly, I’m leaps and bounds ahead of where I was in high school, and it’s great to get out and see how far I’ve come.

Now, I need to get a mouth­guard, and I need to go run­ning every day from now until mid-Jan­u­ary. I’m so out of shape for sprint run­ning, it’s depressing.

But it gives me a pas­sion, a goal to chase, to com­pete with. It’s been gor­geous weath­er this week, so it’s hard not to run over to the drill­field and kick around for an hour. But come the real win­ter, the 35 and windy I adore, I’ve got to get out and real­ly go at it.