Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

Filtering Twitter, Pt 2

(This was still an ear­ly draft until last night, so I’ll be mas­sag­ing these sen­tences as the day goes on.) Gen­er­al rule-based tweet fil­ter­ing, and per-user @reply set­tings have one goal in com­mon: give the user more con­trol over the con­tent they view when they launch a client or go to their Twit­ter home­page. For whatever […]

Filtering Twitter, Pt 1

Twit­ter needs fil­ters. “Show me all posts from @cbarrett, except when he replies to @zacwhite.” “Drop all posts where @commanda says ‘RT’ “. “Ugh, South By. Don’t show me any­thing that con­tains ‘SxSW’ or #sxsw.” “Drop every­thing from @patr1ck, but make it look like I’m still fol­low­ing him.” (ok, maybe not that last one). It start­ed with […]

Consumption Guilt

We spend more and more time con­sum­ing oth­er peo­ples’ life by-prod­ucts: sub­scrib­ing to their blogs, read­ing their tweets, look­ing at their pho­tos. I don’t cre­ate enough in my day to day: I’m tired of see­ing every­one else’s muse expressed, and not indulging mine. Worse though, is how wide­spread this is: it reach­es far fur­ther than […]

Darting Eyes

The tod­dler in the stroller was end­less­ly curi­ous. As her moth­er pushed the stroller along Guer­rero St, the young girl’s big blue eyes quick­ly moved from traf­fic on the street to the build­ings over­head. I walked behind anoth­er woman, both of us set on reach­ing our des­ti­na­tions. As we approached the moth­er with her child, […]

Russia’s future

The past few years have been a roller coast­er for Rus­sia. Putin’s efforts to remain in a posi­tion of pow­er and influ­ence were suc­cess­ful, and oil rev­enues swelled the gov­ern­ment cof­fers. Their eco­nom­ic house of cards is now tee­ter­ing, and threat­ens to take pri­vate busi­ness down with it. Where did this all start, and why […]

Ghosts in the Mailbox

So, Mail won’t com­mit any pref­er­ences changes. Account changes roll back at next launch: If I add, rename, or delete accounts, it “takes” the change, but as soon as I quit and relaunch, it reverts it: added accounts dis­ap­pear, delet­ed ones are res­ur­rect­ed. I’ve watched the plist file live as Mail does the delete: it […]

A Failure To Predict

Feb­ru­ary 18: Chowdhry pre­dict­ed the Mac Pro and iMac will like­ly receive a minor boost some­time in June, in time for the back-to-school sea­son. March 3: Apple announced updates to its iMac, Mac mini, and Mac Pro lines. Apple PR posts here and here. Thanks @patr1ck for point­ing this out.

Ripping Bits and Licensing Fees

Eminem’s for­mer pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny, FBT, argues that a down­load is not, in fact, a pur­chase of music, but rather a license issued through a retail­er. As such, the per­cent­age that the artist takes home at the end of the day should be high­er, in accor­dance with licens­ing terms. Uni­ver­sal, mean­while, appears to be argu­ing that purchasing […]

Asynchronous Requests

On Face­book: why do I have to get con­fir­ma­tion from a friend when I add details about how I know them? Why not just give me a choice: add pri­vate details, or add pub­lic details. Pub­lic details can act like the cur­rent friend details: they show on my friends page when peo­ple see I’m friends with them. […]

Third-Party Mods

It does seem, how­ev­er, that if you have a third-par­­ty hack, such as Box­ee, installed on your Apple TV, it will be sum­mar­i­ly dis­abled by the update, so pro­ceed with cau­tion. via Apple TV Soft­ware Update 2.3.1 is out in the wild  This is not news. You’ve installed a cus­tom, hacked, patched OS on your device; […]

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