Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

Posts Tagged Uncategorized

Web Development

IE6/Win, this one is for you. We love you; real­ly, we do. You’re every­where, all the time, most every­one knows you, and although you’re not per­fect, you’re much bet­ter than your old­er broth­er IE5/Win. Thanks for not fol­low­ing in his foot­steps. But you know the say­ing, “Sweat the lit­tle stuff”? You’re not break­ing a sweat much […]

Today’s weather

From Flickr Today, it’ll be 59 and rainy, with a chance of depres­sion, and scat­tered rained-out­­­foot­ball games sweep­ing in from the north­east some­time tomor­row afternoon.


Why Eco­nom­ics? It’s a study of peo­ple, busi­ness­es, and how they make the econ­o­my tick. I have tak­en few class­es that have changed my entire view on news, the world, and my per­son­al life. Micro- and macro-eco­nom­ics are two of them. Instead of see­ing two seem­ing­ly unre­lat­ed news arti­cles in The Econ­o­mist, you see two unsep­a­ra­bly intertwined […]

Sleep Schedules

The biggest sin­gle regret I’ve read from old­er peo­ple: I wish I had got­ten up ear­li­er when I was young. I learned to get by on less sleep, and I gained so much time for myself. I could exer­cise, med­i­tate, or just read to get myself pre­pared for the day ahead. How many days of […]

A Dearth of Inspiration

I’ve stared at this emp­ty box for more than twen­ty min­utes, just look­ing at it. I’ve exam­ined all these drafts I have float­ing around, but I feel they’re stale and old and use­less. Every but­ton above this text, where I can make all sorts of HTML mag­ic hap­pen: they’ve all been clicked and pre­viewed. I’ve […]

Job Opportunities

In the world of a col­lege stu­dent, jobs are either in abun­dance, or are more rare than three-winged but­ter­flies. I’d like to flat­ter myself and say that I had a few chances for intern­ships for this sum­mer. There was GE Ener­gy, which I took; Van­guard Invest­ments, who I had to turn down before start­ing the […]

Updates are coming!

I’ve picked out a new theme for the site. It’s not bad, but I may tweak things (col­ors, place­ment, etc.) and find a new image for up top. Also, I have three posts in the pipeline that are being edit­ed and worked on when I get time. I’ll try to get one up tonight if I […]

A Fresh Start

I’m start­ing this blog­ging thing anew. I’m now on a Word­­Press-based blog, and I’m in the process of import­ing old posts from Blog­ger and Live­Jour­nal, most­ly to have them all backed up. When they’ve been archived, I’ll update with links. [Update, 10:04 PM] Live­Jour­nal and Blog­ger archive is now up and run­ning. Note: Blog­ger’s com­ments came […]

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