Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

Posts Tagged Uncategorized

Shadows, and Regrets

Regret stems from uncer­tain­ty and wish­ful think­ing. It is often pushed along­side a bad sit­u­a­tion that had bet­ter alter­na­tives, but there, it does not belong. The “could have been” is our regret. It’s the alter­na­tive out­come; the nat­ur­al course; the hap­py, cer­tain end­ing. That final­i­ty is easy to see, to imag­ine, and the steps between […]

Rugby in November

Novem­ber has start­ed. There’s just 23 short days left until my birth­day. And by birth­day, I mean drink­ing good beer while watch­ing Tech oblit­er­ate UVA in foot­ball. This week has been a blur. I expect the rest of the month to be the same. Mon­day brought a half day of class­es, and the oth­er half of […]

Leopard Installations

Win­cent Colaiu­ta talks about how bro­ken Leop­ard is for him. To me, that sounds like a bad install on bad hard­ware. Grem­lins with his opti­cal dri­ve seem relat­ed to his old prob­lems with the dri­ve under Tiger, and the rest of the gen­er­al sys­tem insta­bil­i­ty feels like instal­la­tion issues because of a bad hard dri­ve. This […]

Installing Leopard

I’m hold­ing off on buy­ing and installing Leop­ard. It’s only 70 bucks from the book­store for the OS, so that’s a no brain­er, but I’m reluc­tant to install it in the midst of the school year. There’s a chance that the appli­ca­tions I use for work won’t func­tion prop­er­ly, and I real­ly don’t need the […]

Leopard GM Released Early to Journalists, Not Developers

Via Dar­ing Fire­ball: Apple pro­vid­ed some jour­nal­ists with the Leop­ard GM a week ago. Third-par­­ty devel­op­ers still have to go buy a copy to test and fix their appli­ca­tions, or wait for their free ADC copy to show up in a few days (or weeks). Note to Apple: this is not how to make devel­op­ers hap­py.  Apple has […]

Apple and Third-Party Developers

Apple, as the Leop­ard release approach­es, has cho­sen to take their cus­tom­ary approach with third-par­­ty devel­op­ers and the Gold Mas­ter. Although ADC mem­bers have been pri­vate­ly (under NDA) beta-test­ing Leop­ard for months, work­ing to ensure appli­ca­tion com­pat­i­bil­i­ty and report­ing bugs, their final seed was released weeks ago. There have been leaked reports of many changes […]

The Spinning Beachball Of Death

I know it as the Spin­ning Beach­ball of Death, or the Spin­ning Piz­za, but Craig Hock­en­ber­ry of Icon­fac­to­ry knows it as the Mar­ble of Doom, and made a site just to track how much time we all col­lec­tive­ly lose to that damned cur­sor. Wikipedia is more kind, call­ing it the “spin­ning wait cur­sor”. And Spinning […]

The Finder

While read­ing long-ago posts from John Gru­ber about the OS X Find­er, I came to real­ize some­thing odd, curi­ous, and a touch dis­turb­ing about my usage of OS 9 and OS X. I grew up on an OS 8/9 machine. From a Mac IIsi to a Bon­di Blue iMac (it’s still in the base­ment back home, […]

Rice Krispies

I’ve been stuck in this cycle with Rice Krispies and marsh­mal­lows for weeks. “Hmm. I have marsh­mal­lows, I should get Rice Krispies and make tasty treats.” “Hmm. Now I have Rice Krispies. I should get marsh­mal­lows.” Damn those man­u­fac­tur­ers for putting exact­ly two recipe serv­ings in each bag and box. I start­ed with a half-bag of […]

Strange, that’s not what I expected…

“The most excit­ing phrase to hear in sci­ence, the one that her­alds new dis­cov­er­ies, is not ‘Eure­ka!’ (I found it!) but ‘That’s fun­ny…’ ” Isaac Asimov

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