Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

Posts Tagged Uncategorized

The App Store: My Purchases (and Two Gaming Gems)

I ven­tured with our sum­mer intern to the Los Gatos Apple Store ear­ly on Fri­day morn­ing: we were in line by 4 AM, and were num­bers 23 and 24 in line. We were back at Apple by 9 AM, iPhone 3Gs in hand: we both got the 16 GB mod­el. I went with white (did­n’t […]

(Re-)Designing a Preferences Window

(Edit: My apolo­gies: com­ments were closed ear­li­er; they closed auto­mat­i­cal­ly after 2 weeks. They’re open now.) CPU His­to­ry 1.0 was an obvi­ous work in progress. It shipped with­out mul­ti­core sup­port, with a redraw­ing bug, and with a hor­rid pref­er­ence win­dow design. The first two bugs were fixed months ago, when I pushed a beta of 1.1 […]


Edit: I post­ed this three days ago, but Google Maps URLs did­n’t coop­er­ate, so here it is, bet­ter late than nev­er. Apolo­gies for the tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties. We land­ed ear­li­er today in Los Altos. I’ll be in a room in a four bed­room house here for about two weeks, doing a short com­mute to Apple starting […]

On the road: an update

We’re cur­rent­ly in Port­land, OR, stay­ing the night at a hos­tel in the north­west end of town. Seat­tle was fan­tas­tic. I’m not sure if I’d be able to get used to the rain, but, assum­ing I love San Fran­cis­co as much as I’m expect­ing to, I’ve found my sec­ond best Pacif­ic coast city in Seat­tle. Tomorrow, […]

Another On-The-Road Update

We’ve now trav­eled over 2500 miles. I haven’t totaled gas receipts, but Eric and I are esti­mat­ing over 350 dol­lars so far. Thank god for large cred­it lines with Amer­i­can Express. Since the last post, we’ve tra­versed three more states. The morn­ing of the 27th, we head­ed north from Oma­ha, through Iowa and into South […]

The First Trip Update

It’s the end of day three. We spent Tues­day trav­el­ing to Chica­go (a 680 mile haul), and all day Wednes­day tag­ging around the city and watch­ing the Cubs win against the LA Dodgers. Today was spent trav­el­ing to Oma­ha (480 miles) to stay with a friend of Eric’s. Tomor­row morn­ing, we go north to South Dakota, […]


I’d be lying if I said that dat­ing some­one as you leave col­lege is a ter­ri­ble idea. If you hit it off in the final days and weeks of school, then that’s how life played out. Enjoy every last moment you get, and don’t hate your­self or the cir­cum­stances for being incon­ve­nient. While this won’t […]

Quote: Good breakage

From » Blog Archive » Quote: Good break­age “I like an esca­la­tor because an esca­la­tor can nev­er break, it can only become stairs. There would nev­er be an esca­la­tor tem­porar­i­ly out of order sign, only an esca­la­tor tem­porar­i­ly stairs. Sor­ry for the con­ve­nience.” Mitch Hedberg

Perfection In Code

The Escapist just did a very intrigu­ing inter­view with Jason Rohrer on design, devel­op­ment, and per­fec­tion. After push­ing an app out the door ear­li­er this semes­ter (CPU His­to­ry), and active­ly devel­op­ing the web­site at my part-time job (at VBI), I under­stand the fine bal­ance between time­li­ness of release and striv­ing for per­fec­tion. When writ­ing CPU […]

SmartSleep: OS X Hibernation Made Easy

This pref­er­ence pane deserves a whole blog post. Smart­Sleep is a tiny pref­er­ence pane that changes the sleep­ing behav­iour of any Mac that sup­ports hiber­na­tion. Here’s some quick back­ground infor­ma­tion (skip the next two para­graphs if you know how hiber­na­tion works). By default, new Intel-based lap­tops save part of their RAM to disk every time they’re […]

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