Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

Posts Tagged Uncategorized

Pop-ups Must Die! Internet Annoyances

Very few pop-ups/pop-unders make it past Camino, my web brows­er on OS X. The New York Times, and The Wash­ing­ton Post, are two sites who reg­u­lar­ly get one pop-up through my fil­ters. And it’s pop-ups to sub­scribe to The Econ­o­mist. The irony is not lost on me: the only intru­sive adver­tis­ing I reg­u­lar­ly see on […]

Status update…

Well, sor­ry about that. Life sud­den­ly finds a fifth gear, and all the things that were taped to the out­side of the car sud­den­ly come detached and are found lat­er on the side of the road. Like this blog. I’ve tried, in fits and starts, to accom­plish two things with this blog: Write some­thing mean­ing­ful. Write some­thing often. […] Programmers Don’t Like to Code

From Pro­gram­mers Dont Like to Code: Pro­gram­mers don’t like cod­ing, they like prob­lem solv­ing. As a Com­put­er Sci­ence major, I deal with this all the time. Peo­ple ask about CS, about what we do, and it’s hard to answer. I think this gives me a good angle: “We solve prob­lems, and we use computers […]

Economics Meets the Street

Both the PS3 and the Wii have been exceed­ing­ly dif­fi­cult to pur­chase this hol­i­day sea­son. Sales of both sea­sons have been, as far as I can tell, entire­ly sup­ply dri­ven. Sup­ply dri­ven sit­u­a­tions are inter­est­ing and typ­i­cal­ly rare for goods in the econ­o­my. Typ­i­cal­ly, these goods are new to the mar­ket, and the pro­duc­ing firms […]

The First Wii Update: The Weather Channel

My Wii was flash­ing when I woke up, like oth­er peo­ple’s. Nin­ten­do sent us an email about a sys­tem update to install the “Fore­cast Chan­nel”. After run­ning a short update over the wire­less net­work here, I was up and run­ning. I have one gripe, for their data provider: Your list of Vir­ginia cities is as […]

All Ahead Full

Every year, the fall semes­ter does this. It drags on, and flies by. From August to Novem­ber, it nev­er ends. Tests after quizzes after home­work pile on, and there’s no end in sight. We get a brief reprieve from the stress for Thanks­giv­ing. It’s a wel­come week of rest, food, and relax­ation in an otherwise […]

Wii! A remote takes flight

There’s sto­ries all over the inter­net talk­ing about acci­dents with the Wii remote. There’s a series of prob­lems com­ing togeth­er that result­ed in this. Peo­ple don’t know what a gam­ing grip is. Stran­gle that remote, peo­ple. When you get ambushed by zom­bies, act scared. Hold the remote like you’d hold a .45. Nin­ten­do put a remote […]

An Old Habit, Reborn

“It’s a bar­bar­ian’s game, played by gen­tle­men.” I went out to a rug­by prac­tice today. The VT team is putting togeth­er a win­ter 7s squad for a few tour­na­ments over break. It felt great to get back out onto the pitch and take a few hits. It’s incred­i­ble how quick­ly the rules, the tech­nique, all of […]

Tell Me If I’m Going Crazy…

Some­how, the past is easy. You can look back, see all the things that went wrong, the mis­steps, the motives behind it. You lose some­thing when you try to ana­lyze what was. If you tear it apart, try­ing to get at the meat of what made it so great, you find that it was just […]

A Death Knell

After over a year and a half of trusty and loy­al ser­vice, the Toshi­ba 30 GB 4200 rpm hard dri­ve was mor­tal­ly wound­ed ear­li­er this week. An unknown dis­ease struck it in its prime, and with­out warn­ing, it was on its way to the grave. I’ve run back­ups reli­gious­ly, every night, for the past year. Every […]

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