Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

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Turkey Day ’06

I’m off to Mary­land for the day to vis­it with rel­a­tives. Grand­moth­ers and inlaws are scat­tered across most of the DC area, so we usu­al­ly get togeth­er for the hol­i­days. Time to dri­ve on the Belt­way. Oh, DC, how I love thee.

Nintendo Wii: First Impressions

After months of wait­ing, one out­ra­geous name change, and tons of pre-orders that I inten­tion­al­ly ignored, Sat­ur­day night was the start of my jour­ney to acquire a Wii. My broth­er and I packed up the neces­si­ties and drove to the near­by Tar­get, which, accord­ing to the Wii Find­er, would have 120 Wiis on launch day. At […]

A million dollars

A priest, a rab­bi, and a robot walk into a bar. Only the robot walks out. Some­one offers you a mil­lion dol­lars. There’s one stip­u­la­tion: what­ev­er you use it for, it must be to chase your dream. What do you do? Man is a sor­ry lot. Self­ish, eas­i­ly per­suad­ed, lit­tle motive. He is a fick­le crea­ture of Machi­avel­lian stereotypes. […]

Trips and Homes

I love trav­el­ling. There’s some­thing exhil­a­rat­ing about pick­ing up the few things you’ve col­lect­ed that are impor­tant to you, and tem­porar­i­ly mov­ing some­where else. The uncer­tain­ty and unfa­mil­iar­i­ty is stress­ful for some, but I thrive on it. Going home for breaks, trav­el for jobs, day trips into DC with no plan, no map, and 20 […]

Future Wishes

At some point in time, I’ll do this to an entire room. Out­line every edge in black paint. It’s such a pow­er­ful visu­al effect in 2D; I only hope it looks as amaz­ing in three. The rest of the week promis­es to fly by. Class­es, work, tests, and then a dri­ve home. Sun­day morn­ing brings the […]

A Dreamless State

Alarms are for the weak. Real, hard­core sleep addicts can turn off two alarms and still be dream­ing. They can nap on cue, and they think that caf­feine is sim­ply a mech­a­nism attempt­ing to keep them in their wak­ing states. I turned off my alarm clock and my phone this morn­ing, and have no recollection […]

A long evening

Last night began with the best of inten­tions. Friends were to meet up, and a good time was to be had by all. But a door was opened, an ani­mal ran, and so began a 45 minute jour­ney through porch­es and cars, trees and bush­es, to recap­ture a cat. Lov­ing words were spo­ken to glow­ing, dis­tant eyes. […]

A sentence for the day

Tomor­row, take some­thing away from your day that you would nev­er have appreciated.

The Master List: Airline Security Failure at its Finest

From my favorite author, Bruce Schneier: Famous­ly bad peo­ple are or aren’t on it, for no appar­ent rea­son. Peo­ple that ought to be on it, like the ter­ror sus­pects in Britain’s “air­lin­er plot”, aren’t on it. Why does­n’t this list work? Because it’s easy to cor­rupt with bad data, and it’s impos­si­ble to purge bad data. Name overlap […]

Election-Year Politics and Half Truths

Both the Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans are guilty of it. They pass cer­tain bills so they have a gift to give home dis­tricts while cam­paign­ing. They pass mean­ing­less amend­ments, in hopes that they can por­tray those who oppose it as being in the wrong on the issue. I’m tired of it. The Democ­rats dog-piled when the recently […]

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