Inert Detritus The Internet's dust bunnies

Posts Tagged Uncategorized

Delicious Will Eat Itself!

Almost two years ago, Jason Kot­tke pub­lished will eat itself. I was intrigued by this recur­sive process on deli­cious, and want­ed to find out how deep this chain went, so a year lat­er, I decid­ed to write an app to descend the hier­ar­chy. Well, almost twelve months, one OS bug, and one new […]

Cinematography and Michael Clayton

The cin­e­matog­ra­phy of this movie so far is excel­lent: great shots, light­ing, et cetera. One thing, though, is dri­ving me to drink: most scenes were shot with an anamor­phic lens, which, between the lens and lat­er con­ver­sion process­es, leads to an oval-shaped bokeh for out of focus light sources. I found this out on a […]

Tabs? Spaces? Yes.

Tabs ver­sus spaces is one of the life­long debates between pro­gram­mers. “tabs ver­sus spaces” has as many hits on Google as “vi ver­sus emacs”: it’s that big a deal. (VI 4 LYFE!) Argu­ments on both sides are quite valid. Pro­po­nents of tabs defend the flex­i­bil­i­ty of defin­ing a \t char­ac­ter to what­ev­er width you desire. Proponents […]

Hard drives and tire blow-outs

The most trag­ic hard­ware fail­ure in com­put­ing today is the loss of a hard dri­ve. It dies, tak­ing your bits with it, and get­ting them back is an expen­sive propo­si­tion. I hear about it all the time, from friends, peo­ple online in forums, and even in blog posts. Hard dri­ves are tires for your computer. […]

Geotagging and Fuzzy Locations

I’ve been look­ing at geo­t­ag­ging more of my pho­tos late­ly, either by hand after the fact, or auto­mat­i­cal­ly with the help of ded­i­cat­ed hard­ware. I’ve found a lot of links so far for hard­ware, but I haven’t found exact­ly what I’m look­ing for. In the mean­time, I’ve been tag­ging a few on Flickr, but am increasingly […]

The Folly of Minimum Wage

I just watched Min­i­mum Wage on Hulu, linked from Mike Ziray on Twit­ter. If there’s one thing I learned in school, it’s to take your knowl­edge and apply it in the real world. We did­n’t cov­er min­i­mum wage in any depth, but we did cov­er price floors and ceil­ings, and it’s easy to make conclusions […]

Mondays, Tired Mondays

As seen in Wood­side, CA on my way home from Safe­way one evening. (crop­ping idea and blog post for­mat shame­less­ly bor­rowed from Chris Glass) The last few days have seen me search­ing for a new place to live. I came out to Cal­i­for­nia with a two-step hous­ing dance in mind. First, find a sub­let for […]

What’s the Deal with CPU History?

Devel­op­ment on CPU His­to­ry has stalled while I speak with my man­ag­er about it. I hope to be able to start back up on it soon, but I can’t make any guar­an­tees. It’s on GitHub, so fork it and start hack­ing if that’s your style. I’m work­ing on a round-up of advice and improve­ments stemming […]

The First Day

A month ago yes­ter­day, I began my first post-col­lege job: work­ing for Apple. I’ll bor­row a page from a sim­i­lar post on Antipode and say sim­ply this: Quite obvi­ous­ly, noth­ing I say here is speak­ing on behalf of the com­pa­ny: trust me, they can come up with much more inter­est­ing ways to announce things than through […]

A post from an iPhone

I’m writ­ing this on my phone. Not because I have to, but because I can. I just real­ized that my first day at Apple post nev­er went up like it was sup­posed to that morn­ing. I guess I can rewrite and pub­lish it late. Way late.

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